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FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )


1) What is the minimum age to join your program ? 

Kiddos : 5 - 7 years

Kids :  7 - 12 years

Teens : 13 - 16 


2) Are the results guaranteed ? 

Results are not guaranteed. Every child is different and require different approach at times. We need to work with him/her to know. But we have trained more than 10,000 kids to speak on stage. Our success rate is 99.6% thus far since 2014. 


3) How long have you all been doing this ? 

We have been doing this program since 2014. We are very focus only on Kids Public Speaking as our core speciality. 


4) Where are the modules from ?

The modules are from Malaysia. It is developed by our founder Johan Ooi. Johan is an experienced speaker, and he was also the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. He represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas in 2015. He finished as the semi-finalist competing with the best in the world.   


5) Which program would you recommend us to join as a beginner ? 

This depends on your availability. But we recommend you to join the 1- day workshop for a start to let your child feel the stage. 


But if you want to start them on the long-term program, we have our Speaker Warrior programs.  


6) My son/daughter is very shy. Is this program suitable for him/her ? 

You have to start them somewhere.  


7) What can they learn within 1-day workshop ? Is it TOO SHORT ?

In this 1 day, they will experience a breakthrough. Parents will be coming in on that day itself to watch their presentation. We will cover the basic of body language, voice and more importantly their guts and breakthrough during the live presentation. 


After years of conducting this workshop we found that the optimum period to show results is 1 day itself.

Parents asked," Why not 2 days, why not 3 days ? While it is good to have longer programs, but within 1 day, your child will be able to present in front of an audience. 

8) How do i enroll my child ? 

We will be sending you the sign-up form via email. Kindly bank in and send us back an email with the sign-up form and attached bank-in slip. 


9) Where is your centre ? 

Our main headquarters is in Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Malaysia. We have other partners running this program in 7 other different locations. Contact us to know more on the locations nearest to you. 


10) What is the method you use to teach them ? 

Our method is developed by our founder Johan Ooi. This proven method is our Speaker Warrior Program referencing our JOHAN Framework. 


11) Can parents be in the class ?

We do not allow parents to be in class. This is because we want to break the ice with the kids as soon as possible, and it would be better without parents around. 


12) What will they speak about ? 

They will be following the modules from the Speaker Warrior Program. If kids are more matured, we will give them speeches to present. 


13) Is this an english class ? 

This is not an english class. If you are interested in sending your child to an english class, kindly go to other english classes around your neighbourhood. Our main focus is public speaking, although we do emphasize on the proper usage of english. 


14) Do you have any program during weekdays ? 

During normal weekdays, we do have classes but limited. But we will be very active running weekday classes during national school holidays.Please check with the centre nearest to you for more info. 


15) Do you conduct 1-2-1 session ? 

At the moment, we do not conduct 1-2-1 session. But special request can be fulfilled if it is a competition training. 


16) Do you have any program for teens ? 

Yes, we do.  


17) Do you have Mandarin session ?

We do conduct mandarin sessions. Please check with the branches nearest to you.  


18) How can i do this business ?

Kindly contact us if you are interested to become a franchisee with Johan Speaking Academy. We are currently in few locations across Malaysia. We are looking for more partners to run this program across Malaysia to bless more kids. 


19) If i miss this intake ( because of holidays, exams ) , when can i join ? 

Please join the next intake if you are interested, we run quite a number of new intakes per year.


20) If my child is sick, is there any replacement class ? 

Kindly check with the teacher in your location. Replacement can be in the form of coming earlier 30mins or finishing later 30mins in the next class. Please check with the teacher at your location. 


21) Is there any trial classes ? 

We do not conduct trial classes at the moment, but we do have a parents/kids preview session. 


22) Are other principals in other locations qualified to teach ? 


All principals have undergone intensive training by Johan.  They are certified by Johan and are qualified to teach. 

23) My son/daughter is a "special" child. Can he/she join the program ?


Special child needs a specialist to handle them. We are not a trained doctor, he/she should actually see a speech therapist to help them. 




Kindly fill up the form below if you are interested in our program. 

Name *

Email *




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Whatsapp : 016 - 258 9038 ( Cherry )


Location : 22B, Persiaran Zaaba, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

© 2024 Kids Public Speaking by Johan Speaking Academy

SSM ( 918134-A )

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